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Frequently Asked Questions about the Baby Vac

We would like to answer the most frequently asked questions here.


A running nose - The importance of sucking out the stagnant nasal secretion

Toddlers suffer from running nose six times a year on average. This means the inflammation of the sinusitis in the nose, which is often viral. If it isn't treated properly and at the proper time the stagnant nasal secretion will become a good substrate for the bacteria. In this case the initial watery secretion becomes dense, which can cause respiratory disorders and complications.

To prevent or avoid discomfort and respiratory disorders the stagnant nasal secretion has to be removed first as it may cause risk for sinusitis, or can be coughed to the middle ear and cause middle ear infections, also the bacteria from the mucus can go down from the pharynx to the bronchia and can make risk for the bronchitis, laryngitis and pneumonia.

Older children are able to blow their noses, however infants and toddlers are not yet able to. Therefore the secretion has to be removed by sucking. 
Motor aspirators are available only in hospitals so sucking several times a day is impossible. The secretion has to be sucked as often as an adult blows out his/her nose. 
The Arianna Baby Vac is giving a gentle suction but strong enough to remove the mucus deep inside from the nose. It can be used safely on infants as well. Sucking doesn't hurt/harm the nasal mucus membrane. It has been fully tested clinically by international institutions such as the Medical University Vienna in Austria, the University Ulm Clinic in Germany.
The apparatus sucks out the secretion not with the strength of a vacuum but with its help.

If there is no discharge in the collecting cylinder when using the Baby Vac, the procedure must be stopped. A cold lasting for more than a few days or a week must be checked by a doctor for allergy, adenoids or any complications have to be excluded. Besides using the Baby Vac nasal drops such as Saline nose drops is recommended few minutes before the suction and vitamins may be needed for the better results. Antibiotics are not required only if a specialist thinks so.


Isn't it too drastic to clean a baby's nose with a vacuum?

No, it isn't. As the apparatus sucks with the help of the vacuum, but not with its strength. Make sure you use a vacuum cleaner between 800 watts and 1500 watts.
As the vacuum makes it possible to suck continuously the secretion can be removed from the nose.

Isn't it painful to use the Baby Vac?

No, it isn't painful. Children usually don't like if somebody is cleaning their nose, but an earache and other complications can be more serious. They can cry when somebody just wipe their nose even if it isn't painful. If the secretion is not removed properly from the nose there are always higher risk for complications are more likely to develop.

How often should the Baby Vac be used?

As often as the child snuffles or his/her nose needs to be blown.

Are there any side effects of the Baby Vac?

No, there aren't. It is similar to blowing your nose. Sometimes there can be a little blood in the secretion. The cause of this is the swollen mucous membrane. Very often adults can see little blood in their tissue after they blow their nose. That is normal.
This is very different from a nose bleed. With nose bleeding it is best to contact to a doctor.
During the suction the mum can hold the baby on her lap to keep them still while using the Baby Vac. 
The Baby Vac can not make any injures inside the nose because it can't go too deep, as the end of the evacuator is a triangle shape so it is impossible put it deep into the nose. 
A child must be held during the suction especially as until they understand why is it important to suck their nose they often move. When the child doesn't move his/her head the suction can be started. 
Sometimes parents ask if the using of the Baby Vac makes any trauma or scares the children. The sound of the vacuum cleaner may make the child a bit scared but not the feeling of the suction. Also when the parent touch the little one's nose can makes the child upset even if it is not painful. The reason is that the children really don't like if somebody cleaning their nose with anything.

Is it needed to be sucked with a vacuum?

Yes. The secretion can't be removed from the nasal cavity, or from the facial cavities without a strong continuous suction.The Arianna Baby Vac can provide this gentle but strong enough continuous suction with the suction of the vacuum cleaner.

Isn't the child afraid of the Baby Vac?

It depends on the child. The babies at the beginning usually don't like the sound of the vacuum cleaner. Some children are afraid from the suction in their nose at the first time but later on when they realised that is not painful and they can feel the difference before and after the suction they are not afraid.

Is the procedure sterile enough?

The Baby Vac doesn't need to be sterile. It's enough to sterilize the evacuator (A) by putting it into boiling water occasionally. If you use it continually it's enough to wash the whole apparatus with hot soapy water and then rinse it.

Thanks to the ENT specialist and phoniater, Dr Julianna Geller for their help.


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