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General Modern Cloth Nappies Terms

General Modern Cloth Nappies Terms

The modern cloth nappies community is full of acronyms and common terms, but what do they all mean? Our guide breaks them down for you, so when you see them in the wild you're aware of what they mean.

MCN - Modern Cloth Nappy
ANA - Australian Nappy Association
DISO - Desperately In Search Of
ISO - In Search Of
OTB - On The Bum
NN - Night Nappies
EC - Elimination Communication
PUL - Polyurethane Laminate
AWJ - Athletic Wicking Jersey
OSFM - One Size Fits Most
LOSFM - Large One Size Fits Most
OS - One Size
FB - Fluff Butt/Bum
AIO - All In One
AI2 - All In Two
FS - Front Snapping
SS - Side Snapping
WAHM - Work At Home Mum/Maker
EUC - Excellent Used Condition
VGUC - Very Good Used Condition
GUC - Good Used Condition
IPC - In Poor Condition
CCN - Clean Cloth Nappies
RAOK - Random Act Of Kindness
LO - Little One (in reference to babies)
CC - China Cheapies
BTP/T - Birth To Potty/Toilet
NB - Newborn
S&S - Strip and Sanitise
WB - Wetbag
PP - PayPal
BSS - Buy, Sell, Swap
PIF - Pay It Forward
WTB - Wanted To Buy
WTS - Wanted To Sell
EBF - Exclusively Breastfed
EFF - Exclusively Formula Fed

Common Phrasing
Creeper Print - A print that you did not love at first but has since crept up into the love category
Fluff Mail - Receiving cloth nappies and related products in the mail
Stash - Your collection of cloth nappies
Stash Shot - A photo of your cloth nappies stash, often organised in an appealing way
Stuff/Stuffing - A descriptor of putting inserts into pocket cloth nappies
Longies - Long wool pants that act as both a waterproof layer and trousers/pyjamas
Shorties - Short wool pants that act as both a waterproof layer and trousers/pyjamas
Preloved - Secondhand cloth nappies and accessories
Wicking - The act of moving fluid into a new layer of fabric

Brand Acronyms
C&C - Cloth & Crown
BBH - Baby Beehinds
DB - Designer Bums
BUJ/JTC - Bottoms Up Junior and their rebrand to Junior Tribe Co.
BB - BubbleBubs or Baby Bare
BBs - Boutique Bums
MK - Mama Koala
B&B - Bare and Boho
MLG - My Little Gumnut
LAM - Little Aussie Monster
AB - Alva Baby
SB - Seedling Baby
SHP - Sustainable Hemp Products (marketed as SHP)
FP - Fudgey Pants

Learn all about cloth nappies in our modern cloth nappies guide or shop cloth nappies from our extensive range of styles from 16+ brands.

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